Let us get you there...
Created and Founded by Chief Instructor Mark Davis, a disabled retired Navy veteran of over 21 years of service. Mark is Spinning certified through Mad Dogg Athletics. His philosophy is; "when you come to WARcycle®, you are on a mission, a mission to become a better version of you and OUR mission is YOU!" We take a personal investment in each and every one of our riders to ensure their getting a top-notch experience in our classes that’ll leave them wanting more. We are here to encourage, engage and get you excited about the journey you’re about take. We know that the road to fitness is not always an easy one, it’s more than a battle…. It’s WAR! Welcome to WARcycle®!!!!!!!!!!
Spinning is a low-impact workout that keeps the pressure off your knees and feet allowing you to push harder. It's also a good workout for those who suffer from arthritis, diabetes and even PTSD. Not only does it help with weight loss, but Spinning uses large muscle groups in your legs, so cycling at least three times a week will help your thighs, hamstrings, and calves take shape. While cycling regularly, you’re constantly pumping blood through the whole body which improves the stamina of your heart and lungs, which improves cardiovascular fitness by up to 3-7%. Spinning can be preformed as an anaerobic exercise, pulling energy reserves and buliding up muscular endurance over an extended peroid of time
For more information about WARcycle® or to inquire about bringing WARcycle® to you, contact info@warcycle.co.
Anissa is a native Washingtonian, growing up in the suburbs of Prince George’s County, Maryland. She is also a military spouse. Anissa's steep climbs and racing to the finish with keep your heart-rate elevated long after the class is over. You'll leave her class feeling like a
Marky-Mark is a native Washingtonian, whose classes are a combination of strength and endurance pushing you to dig deep and push those pedals to some unbelievable beats doing with a smile on his face the whole time.